The spectacular white sphere lays thousands of kilometers away from earth, and yet it affects our existence in many ways. Although it is positioned far away in the galaxy, the moon and earth interact with one another and the gravitational pull between them creates the tides at sea. Approximately 60% of the human body consists of water, and 78% of the blood is water. As water is known to rise under a full moon, the blood flow increases in the body, that’s why acupuncturists practice cupping during a full moon. Cupping is a method used to extract dead blood cells from the body. Human behavior is also affected by the full moon for instance, high blood pressure leads to aggression. In Medieval times if someone was charged with murder and the crime was done during a full moon half of his sentence would be dropped because the accused was not liable for his or her actions. These incidents gradually became the myth of werewolves, a man turning into a wolf during a full moon where random murders would occur. The word lunatic is derived from the word Luna, which means moon in Latin. A lunar eclipse occurs, when the Earth is in the middle of the Sun and the Moon. As the moon forms a perfect alignment between the Sun and the Earth, a solar eclipse is formed which is so powerful that if viewed by the naked eye leads to temporary or permanent blindness. As powerful as it may seem, and as far as it may be, the earth's natural satellite was proven to be a peaceful and serene place by the American astronaut that goes by the name of Neil Alden Armstrong. Armstrong was the first man to ever walk on the moon and hoist his county's flag there.